
Thursday, 13 January 2011


I'm really feeling this feature at Dasheen Magazine - I made their WowBlog list. I'm quite pleased :)

Again, Tynisha, I'm still speechless and thank you!

Wow Blog! Brianna McCarthy’s Passion.Fruit

I had to go slowly with Bri­anna McCarthy and not for the rea­sons she may think.
I’ve had my eye on her. She’s been grac­ing my work desk­top on and off for the bet­ter part of 2010. In fact, she is a very preg­nant part of my vision board. If there wasn’t a mir­ror nearby, then I could look at
Bri­anna McCarthy’s work, tiled as if she just knew the col­ors that would inspire me to life, love and laugh­ter and we just became fast friends.

She saw me first, and its one of those moments where you’re think­ing ok, I have this mag­a­zine and you want peo­ple to say what they think and some­times they do, but most times they don’t and then out of the blue you get a sim­ple
“I dig your site.”

No pre­am­ble, no awk­ward­ness, no long good­bye. Just a dig—and a good one. And it’s not a friend, it’s some­one who doesn’t have to be sweet to you or on you haha. So, of course you check out this person’s site, and then you see your desk­top back­ground that you first saw and saved from LeCoil and you have your OMG moment and then you wait a week to respond, because you’re already crush­ing the artist too much to breathe.
So yeah, for as long as Bri­anna McCarthy’s been dig­ging me, I’ve been dig­ging her and then some and I wanted more. I needed to finesse my approach. You just have to under­stand this is the one you want to invite inside your liv­ing space and co-habitate. And yes of course hang her art on your wall—mantle-worthy as it is.

The fol­low­ing is my open door. Allow me to intro­duce to some and present to oth­ers as we say in church Bri­anna McCarthy, artist extra­or­di­naire, passion.fruit lover and my not so pri­vate girl crush out of Trinidad and Tobago.

You see how invit­ing. And would I switch sides to some pas­sion fruit for her, YES! Haha. Thank God for the wide world of new media and her medium. God cer­tainly has blessed the child and I hope she never EVER stops!


1 comment:

tickyherb said...

Wow. What a beautiful thing for one to say about another, unabashedly. Lovely.