
Monday, 27 June 2011

Look In & Jump Out

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”
- James Arthur Baldwin

St. Ann - Jump Out Yourself

St. Ann - Jump Out Yourself_detail

I'm fascinated by the dynamics of masking and unmasking, to be literal; the faces we wear and why and when and how we wear them. I have several I think, as do many of us. Sometimes we all want to be unrecognizable, a deliberate riddle or barely concealed as if wearing wax.

I'd been feeling a little constricted recently by my own ideas of meaning and relevance. I had forgotten the advice I read in a Marie Claire magazine (I think) when I was probably 15, "Do what you love and the rest comes." I focussed externally, on what I thought I was being perceived as and not on finding my voice. That's not usual for me and I was, for a while, pretty annoyed with myself.

I received an email today from someone who has not only encouraged me before but who made me realise why I want to do this. I have to do, the rest is there, coming.

I'm looking in and jumping out.

Been listening to 3 Canal's Over Me all day.


DASI GLAM said...

I hear you. Love the expression on the face after taking off the mask.

DASHEEN magazine said...

How did you know? <3

mysskay said...

LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

i love this, brianna!!

clivia said...

This is so awesome!
When I design costumes I usually start with a point of inspiration. I LITERALLY wanted to rip this off the screen and put it in my Precious scrapbook.
I love it. I love it!
thanks for sharing it.

tracy j said...

i have been thinking [on again off again] recently, that i need to wear glasses. i feel that people would take me seriously if i wore it, plus when i took it off to emphasize a point, they would understand i mean business.

great... another mask to put on.

Rexi44 said...

Love the images, the thought, everything.

Unknown said...

Just awesome work that is, thanks for sharing.
Clipping Path Service
Clipping Path Service